วันอังคารที่ 3 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2555

Pioneer KZ46 Mini Brag Book Disappointed in quality

Pioneer KZ46 4
Pioneer KZ46 4" X 6" Mini Brag Book

  • KZ46
  • Pioneer Photo Albums
  • Photo Books & Accessories

  • This is a very cheapo photo album. I just wanted to point out that this is a very cheapo photo album. It is certainly not a bargain at this price. I barely consider the product acceptable at any price. I noticed the other reviewers paid considerably less than I did. I paid $4 and change and feel ripped off.
    You can't beat the price These are great little photo albums. I use them to send pictures of our adopted daughter to her birth parents. Each month I put together an album for each of them. The photo books have sturdy covers. I love the window on the front. Best of all they are so inexpensive. When I first went in search of little albums like this all I found at the local stores were little flimsy things that cost me 4.50 each. I couldn't believe what rip off that was because I knew they probably only cost about 50 cents each to make. These pioneer brag book albums look like they should cost 4 or 5 dollars each and I pay less than a dollar.The only disadvantage is that you can't pick the colors you want. When you order them you get whatever colors come. Oh well they are so cheap I buy extra so that I have a good selection of colors on hand.
    Great Used this for a little pictorial souvenir of a family visit. Just the right size seems nicely made. The 'window' on the front cover added a nice personalized touch.
    Good value This album was almost a perfect fit for my needs. It only lacked a pocket preferably on the back cover to store the negatives. I solved the problem by putting the negatives in the last picture sleeve between the two pictures.I ordered 30 albums not knowng how to designate color or front cover window design. I was very pleased with the assortment of colors they sent but apparently choice of colors is not an option. Also the oval window design must not be available as all mine were retangular windows. If any body knows how to designate color or window design let me knowrloebker@excite.
    Disappointed in quality I had bought some of the other pioneer brag books which were nice but these mini books look cheap and are made of plastic.
    I love the minialbums with the framecover.

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