Sony 9 Digital Picture Frame I replaced the same exact picture frame that I had for three years. The frame is so easy to load pictures and the clarity is excellent. May have to do some cropping on pictures.
Photo frame The pictures are sooo beautiful on this fram. Make a great way of sharing all your photos at holiday gathering.
Sony 9 digital picture frame The Digital picture frame was purchased as a gift so I have not used it but was told it works great and was easy to download pictures.
Question Marks I have a Sony photoframe and every other picture is a question mark. This is not a good product if you use photoshop to digitally master your pictures in a digital darkroom.
159 sucks
Really disappointed and a little irritated I am big Sony fan laptops monitors camera TVs etc. I just purchased a new laptop and flat screen TV this week.I purchased two of these frames for the holidays and literally wasted my weekend trying to load them with pictures in an failed attempt to get it to work. I had read the reviews and thought I was buying a good device. The only problem is it turned out that the reviewers were not doing their job. Bottom line if you do anything with your photos in other software programs good luck trying to get them to display in this Sony frame. On my cheap photo frames I have no problem displaying any image from my computer but not on this beautiful piece of junk.I thought it was me and I did a lot of testing with lots of files several computers different photo software and of course two of these Sony frames that I purchased and now have to return. Then I started reading things like this in the documentation A filemay not be displayed with the photo frame even if it can be displayed with a computerthe image file may not be supported by the photo frame because for example it is a JPEG file that was created with your computer. I seldom read documentation by the way but I was really frustrated and having not read anything so ridiculous in a long time I needed a good laugh. I mean it is almost 2010 many of us have been using software for decades simple stuff should just work these days and I needed to sit back and get perspective on the holidays. All of this mad rush to buy all of these holiday gadgets really isn't what it was suppose to be all about.This is one of my favorite sentences Due to one of the characteristics of the device images stored for a long time or read many times may be subject to data error when read too often. Can you imagine that! An image that is stored for a long time may be subject to data error when read too often!!! How much is a long time or read too often?One of the last lines in the documentation is Even if you perform [Format internal memory] the data in the internal memory may not be erased completely. When you dispose of the photo frame we recommend that you physically destroy the photo frame. Now there is a line for sustainability 'built to last' and the environment.
Love it This frame is awesome. Such a wonderful way to view your digital photos and the frame itself looks very clean and unobtrusive. Everyone that comes over loves it and spends some time just watching the images go by. I always thought the idea of a digital frame was cheesy but I love this frame.
My thoughts I have not tried other reviews so I do not know how this product may compare withother products.Over all I am very satisfied.The main thing as mentioned in many other reviews is that image editing programs may change the pic file into a form the frame will not display. I was able to get around this but it was also a challenge that may be horrible for many people.There some missing features I would like to see in a frame Like to be able to freeze a pic easily then restart show. The random pic feature did not seem very random I would like to have an easy concept of albums. I gave this to my mom and it would be nice if pics form different sides of the family were easy to separate since it winds up with a lot of people the are unknown otherwise. I guess I could put them on differnt memory chips but my mom is 91 and I do not think this would work out well.I guess it is always a bit of a trade off between more features and the resulting complexity of user interface.
The picture quality is awesome This picture frame is awesome. The price is high as compared to other frames of similar size but the awesome picture quality justifies the cost.The only aspect that I didn't like is the glass which is too reflective. If there are several light sources at home then it sometimes creates problem. But this is a minor issue.
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