วันพุธที่ 4 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Sony HDMS S1D Digital Photo Album Waste of money, Sony Support doesn't know how to fix certain problems

Sony HDMS-S1D 80GB Digital Photo Album
Sony HDMS-S1D 80GB Digital Photo Album

  • Organize event photos automatically by date or icon
  • Able to print digital scrap book image without PC
  • Easy to import images by one button
  • 80GB HDD storage(Up to 50,000 photos)
  • HD Slide show function

  • Limited Utility But Useful for Storage The Sony HDMSS1D digital photo album is a useful utility with a few shortcomings. On the plus side it is useful for downloading images from a digital camera and I found it very intuitive to set up and use. I attached mine to a 32inch Sony flatscreen HD set and while switching inputs is not as easy as with the TV remote the remote that came with the digital photo album can be used to turn on the set. You can also combine or separate elements of photo albums which you can have the unit sort automatically upon download.However as I wrote in the opening paragraph the digital photo album has some serious shortcomings. While it is true you can combine pictures and albums you have know the number of the album you're combining an album with and you can only combine the albums one at a time. Also the pictures I downloaded got cropped. I took a photograph of a DVD of W. I saw in a bookstore on a wall with The Wolfman and The Lost Boys under a sign that read Monsters. In the original picture you can definitely see the sign but when I display it on the TV the sign is not there regardless of how I set the screen image. The same goes for any panoramic shots I've taken with my Sony Cybershot. I'm not expecting the Ken Burnslike pans one can select in a computer slideshow but is it too much to expect a product developed by a company to be able to display a picture in a format that another product from the same company created? Instead you end up with whatever part of the picture the digital photo album chooses to display. Also I get very limited use from the xScrapook and xPict Story functions. While it is possible to burn music from a CD and use it with the xStorybook feature I actually find it more interesting to let the pictures run fullscreen in slideshow mode with the music of my choice playing on a separate machine.The Sony HDMSS1D digital photo does what it was designed to do especially for people who don't have access to a computer. It is a useful gadget for storing and displaying digital pictures but not much more. This product could use some tweaking perhaps via a software upgrade addressing some of its shortcomings? but at $200 it's a worthwhile investment if somewhat limited in its utility.
    Waste of money Sony Support doesn't know how to fix certain problems Bought this back in 2008. Put pictures in the export folder so I could watch on my TV. I get it out again to put new pictures on it and the pictures in the export folder CANNOT be deleted. My remote is broken spring is missing. TV will not detect device. Pictures are stuck on this machine.I am taking matters into my own hands and this item will be recycled. Do not waste your money on this machine.
    Disappointed I was disappointed with the way this item performed so much so that I returned it.First when I imported my picture collection onto its hard drive it replaced the folder names with a sequential number. My photo collection is quite extensive with over 20000 photos sorted into 2200 folders. I use the folder name to identify the contents. This was lost when they were all remaned to the sequential number. I could under take the task of renaming each but it would have to be done via a video keyboard. This would have required a huge time commitment that should not have been necessary.Second the slide shows and presentations that it created were done by the software conventions installed on the unit. They can not be edited for content. I found a large number of the photo motion scans were not accetable. I.E. ending in a cutoff head unappealing backrounds etc. You could direct the software to create a new show but the results may again provide a less than desirable product.Finally you can not save or email a slideshow if it happened to be acceptable. I had tried demo programs that Sony provides and you could do it with them.AllinAll this unit was a disappointment.
    Complete Garbage! Dont waste your time or money i'd expect this type of functionality from a no name brand external hard drive. upload times exceeding 2 hours for a few hundred pictures. cheap menus slow picture load..put it this way the flashdrive in the side of my tv enabled me to view photos better and faster. and you really only get 71GB not 80gb. im a sony loyalist I always buy sony because of the quality and this was the worst product ive ever seen from them.

