วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 31 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Zoom Album Three Photo Covers Not Mac compatible and maybe not a real company

Zoom Album Three 3x3
Zoom Album Three 3x3" Photo Covers Kit

  • Complete instructions ensure easy assembly
  • Easy software program allows for choosing the photos and printing
  • Glossy album-cover photo sheets for printing customized hardbound covers
  • Make three 3-by-3-inch photo albums using this fun photo album kit
  • 3 scored, self-adhesive, glossy photo sheets; print 12 pictures to a page

  • zoom album makes cute gift idea I ordered this kit with the idea of making the albums as gifts for family members who tend not to put pictures in albums. I thought the size would be perfect to carry in a purse/bag. The company recommends not using the HP AllinOne printers which is what I have. So I borrowed a HP Photosmart . The album pages printed very nicely on my borrowed printer but I couldn't get the cover to print. I was able to print the cover on my AllinOne. I didn't look further into this problem. It may have been a mistake I made. The albums looked great. My family members who received them were tickled! I'm saving the last album in my kit makes three total for me! Would buy again. I rated this a 4 star only because it would have been nice if I could have just used my AllinOne. It does sound like the company is working on this issue.
    Great Product! This product worked beautifully on my Epson Stylus printer! The only minor problems I had were from my bad habit of not reading the instructions carefully. I wasted a whole sheet of photo paper by not feeding it into the printer in the proper direction. Once the sheet was printed I started making folds in the wrong directions and although it can be undone save yourself the extra work by making sure you're folding in the right direction before you crease the fold.
    Excellent Minialbum This minialbum is an excellent product for crafters as well as for those who like to carry small pictures of loved ones or events. It is easy to use and can be carried in a purse easily. The bonus is that it will last a lifetime and Amazon's price is a 30 to 40% savings.
    Not Mac compatible and maybe not a real company Saw this item on Zulilly coupons and after seeing the reviews I thought it would be fun. Checked to make sure I could use it on the Mac and now I'm very frustrated to discover that it's not Mac compatible. When it arrived the product date was July of 2008. There are no specs anywhere on how big the jpegs should be. When I download the photos and reopen the album I only got pieces of the photos. Assumed they were too big and through trial and error I sized them down. Still I wasn't able to preview and printing produced a blank page. The customer support number is just some guy's phone. There's no operator or company and even though I managed to get him by persistent calling I'm on a deadline he said he'd have someone call me back and hung up without taking my name my contact information or asking what kind of trouble I was having. No one has called or responded to my email.
    Very clever very cute The end result was not perfect because my Dell printer would not grab the photo paper readilyI had to force it and my pictures were a little off in the albumthe instructions were also a little difficult but the idea is very clever and the album very cute albeit off center a little.
    wasted my money Before buying this product make sure your printer is compatiable. I have a new HP photosmart and it does not work with this product. Five hours later I still do not have an album and have only one sheet left. I have used a full ink cartridge trying to get this right.
    Bridget's Review I'm a picture fanatic. I love being able to look back on important parts of my life and remember what I felt like at that time. ZoomAlbums are perfect to carry around in your purse so you can share special times with your friends and loved ones. You can use a computer digital camera camera phone or a scanner to collect your pictures. You will need a color inkjet printer to print out your pictures.
    Would be great if it worked with my HP printer I was so excited to get this kit to make albums for Christmas gifts but it does not work with HP printers the paper jams & destroys the photo paper. The listing should tell you what printers are compatible when you purchase it. Check their website before you buy this to make sure it works with yours they list what works and what does not.
    Zoom Album Three It arrived in record time in excellant condition still in the manufacturers packaging. This is the only place I was able to find this item no stores in my area carry it I was not able to find it on ebay either.
    Enjoyed this item very much I bought this item after seeing it on Martha Stewart. I gave it as mother's day gifts to the grandmothers. Perfect item so that they have a little photo book with the kids pictures on them all the time. The directions were okay but the directions for the album cover itself was in japanese but I figured it out. Just a note but whatever picture you pick for the cover be sure that it will fit nicely without being distorted because it needs to stretch a bit to make the cover. Also when you choose the pictures for the book you can also add a border and captions if you want. I will definately be doing these again.

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    • Zoom Album Three 3x3" Color Covers Kit Fun projects I really enjoyed working with this kit. I found it great to share pictures of where I live with family members that are not able to visit. It also makes great themed party gifts. ...Read the full

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    วันอังคารที่ 29 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

    วันจันทร์ที่ 28 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

    Sony DPF D72 7 Inch LCD WVGA Disappointing product life

    Sony DPF-D72 7-Inch LCD WVGA 16:10 Photo Frame (Black)
    Sony DPF-D72 7-Inch LCD WVGA 16:10 Photo Frame (Black) Read more...

  • Internal Memory Capacity: 1 GB (2000 images)
  • Auto Image Rotation
  • 7-Inch WVGA Clear Photo LCD (16:10)
  • Clock/calendar
  • Multi card slot (MS, SD, CF, and xD)

  • Small I bought the 7 Sony knowing it would have a crisp picture. It does.However the display is smaller than I imagined. That plus the nonphoto aspect display ratio of 1610 loses chunks of the viewing area when showing typical 43 digital photographs. The display is small enough that you need to be no further away than arms length to really see what's going on in the photographs. It's better for a desk frame than a living room frame.We passed this frame on to a friend and have ordered the 9. The 9 should be large enough to recognize photographs from several feet away.The frame is fine otherwise. Loads pictures easily. However you need an oddsize USB cable to connect directly to the computer.
    Great but awkward size I'm not one for wordy reviews but I figured I would just leave a note for future buyers. This frame is very nice though I'm only speaking from one day of use. The settings are really easy to configure and getting the pictures on the frame was as simple as plugging it into my computer with a USB cable not included by the way. The frame is slick looking and just the right size for a picture frame though the giant Sony logo on the front is rather annoying.The tricky part was trying to get the pictures to the right size. The picture resolution is something like 800x480 which is a little awkward. None of my pictures would fit just right however there is a setting to expand the pictures to fit the frame. If you resize the images properly it only clips off a tiny amount when they expand.My suggestion for resizing images in bulk is to use Microsoft Office Picture Manager if you have it.
    Easy picture album Like the product but had trouble keeping the pictures in order rather than a random viewing of everything. Since we put pics on chronicling a trip we took we wanted the pics in the order of the tour. Our only complaint. Everything else worked just fine.
    Disappointing product life I loved the product out of the box easy to set up with good features. Unfortunately after 1 1/2 years of operation the frame shows only multicolored vertical lines. Sony offers to fix it for more than the original purchase price.
    7 Sony photo frame
    Classy Look But A Littly Clumsy For Older Folks To Operate I selected this Sony pic frame after spending a goodly couple 3 hrs or so agonizing over the poor reviews of almost all the others on the market including other Sonys. I must say I was pleased with the product out of the box and the packing/presentation was very good. The unit operated well and for the most part displayed all of the some 3200 pics on the Xd card quite well. One issue I found was that after spending a good deal of time editing the pics I wanted to put on the card for max size 300K or less worked very well and correct orientation the frame still managed to display a very few of them incorrectly even though I had spent a lot of time identifying and orienting a few dogs and cats from sideways to vertical. It's as though the frame detected my changes and changed them back?! Anyway this was only a few pics and nothing to blow fuses over. Secondly the remote control uses the popular these days membrane type of button which caused my elderly mom and ME! to struggle to get it to communicate with the frame. A lot of repositioning of the remote and multiple presses of the hardtodetect closure of the membrane bubblebuttons to know if you're actually making a press or not. I understand the value of a sealed button but if it only successfully communicates to the frame maybe 23 out of 4 presses most of the time it gets a bit frustrating.
    It could be more user friendly. Some trial and error was needed in order to adjust the settings to what was intended.
    Great gift I purchased this frame for my son as a going off to college gift. I found it easy to use and didn't even read the manual much at all. I just loaded photos jpegs onto a memory card slipped it in and voila! He loves it. In fact he sent me a text the other day that read he'd spent three hours just staring at it. Maybe he likes it a little too much.I would recommend trying to upload photos that are either mostly landscape or mostly portrait. Mine were mostly landscape and the occasional portrait ones end up being pretty small to view.Definitely a great gift idea and I ordered a second one for grandparents.
    Great Product Great resolution and display. Perfect picture frame for this size. It has a lot features for the price. It can program start and stop which will add to the life of the frame. I would recommend this for everyone that will be satisified with this size frame. Also. great service from the supplier. Received it faster than estimated.
    My lovely office desk digital photo frame I had many 7 digital photo frames for my office desk in the past. Yes I only look for 7 because my goal is seeing my family pictures with a small frame when taking rest at work . After trying many differnet brands such as Coby eMtion Philip and Viewsonic. Sony DPFF72 is the one setting on my office desk in the end. The reasons are 1. Resolution 800x480 it makes huge difference on the photo quality comparing with other 480x234 frames. 2. iPhone style rotation you can turn the frame when you see a portrial photo and DPFF72 will auto rotate it. 3. Clock and calendar you can also set the frame showing all on the same page or you can swap them manually per remote control. On the other hand DPFF72 gives you photo frame clock and calendar. I get a clean organized desk.

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    วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

    Astar Electronics DPF 1170 7 Inch Digital You'll be pleased for awhile.....

    Astar Electronics DPF-1170 7-Inch Digital Photo Frame
    Astar Electronics DPF-1170 7-Inch Digital Photo Frame

  • Video Playback/ MP3/ WMA Audio Format
  • 7 in Color TFT LCD Panel 480 x 234 w/Resolution
  • 3.0 Lbs (WxLxH) 1.2" x 9.1" x 5.9"
  • Digital Photo Frame w/Built In Stereo Speakers
  • NTSC / PAL Compatible/ Supports CF, MD, MS, SD and MM Cards

  • dead frame 0 document.getElementByIdnsPrefix + clipDiv.style.height=h+px document.getElementByIdnsPrefix + videoPlaceholder.style.height=h+px else document.getElementByIdnsPrefix + clipDiv.style.height= document.getElementByIdnsPrefix + videoPlaceholder.style.height= document.getElementByIdnsPrefix + flashcontent.style.height=100%}function fp_rewriteDivnsPrefixdivNamehtml document.getElementByIdnsPrefix + divName.innerHTML=htmlfunction embeddingPopupnsPrefix alertplaceholder function for embedding code>
    astar 7 digital photo frame I gave this 4 stars because it doesn't have an internal memory and has to be plugged in. I'm being picky the people I bought for won't care about this feature. This frame is great. I bought 3 of them for gifts. I took one out to see make sure it works and I can help the people I bought them for. It's very easy.I took it out plugged it in put in a memory card had pics on the card already and hit slide show. That's it! I think the picture is great.My only regret is not getting one for myself.
    Dead and smoking! Not the best quality pix. But it worked well for a few monthsand it was a great conversation piece when quests came until it died. I restarted it once with the remote but got an even poorer quality with lines across the screen. Next time I tried it using the onframe buttons it not only did not work but smoke poured out of two places on the back. It's value as a conversation piece would have skyrocketed if it had set the house on fire.
    Died After 6 Months The product worked ok until 6 months later when it suddenly burnt out & quite working. I guess you get what you pay for.
    astar 7 photo frame Pros Nice features movie playback mp3 slideshow and photos. For the price it seems a great value. This is my first photo frame and I expected TVlike picture quality. Cons I'd have to rate the picture quality only average w/limited control of brightness contract and color. No internal memory or battery.
    Terrible product and terrible supprt I bought this product less than one year ago. It worked for a few months and then stopped. After numerous emails and phone calls they finally replaced it and it worked for a few more months. This time when I went to the manufacturer's website it was down and there is no one to contact about a replacement.
    burned out the digital frame was given to us as a gift which is a great idea! installation was a breeze its pretty simple despite the engrish manual.
    Astar Digital Picture Frame The directions are garbled and it isn't the easiest to set up. There is no internal memory and you have to load up the memory cards not included with some other device you can't hook up it's USB connection and load it up. The USB is actually a host port which is odd. Low resolution and difficult operation make me wish I'd bought something else.
    You'll be pleased for awhile.. Got this Black Friday 07 and for what was paid I couldn't complain. Descent pics simple set up even put a movie on there once just to see the performance. But alas just a little over a year later the frame went black!! Messed with it a little bit and finally threw it in a drawer. I recently discovered it again and tried plugging it in.And low and behold it works.For just a couple minutes at a time that is!! When I do get it to work I notice that the image quality has degraded as othershave stated and there is a crackling/buzzing sound heard every once and awhile. A quick search of the web and I've also found what others have found absolutely no contact info for Astar what so ever.
    picture quality not good I bought this frame for myself. When I first opened it I felt very happy with the picture quality but that was short lived. My friend got a Dynex 7 inch from Best buy on the same day and belive me when he played it I was stunned by its quality. Dynex is owesome but it doens't play any movies/mp3. But I think the digital frame is not required to play all those it is meant for viewing pictures. I would rate this 2 star as far as picture quality is concerned. It really turned off my exictement. ASTAR should have concentrated on the quality of screen when you have the pictures in widescreen it gets streched a bit and looks bit ugly.Edit your post I bought this frame for myself. When I first opened it I felt very happy with the picture quality but that was short lived. My friend got a Dynex 7 inch from Best buy on the same day and belive me when he played it I was stunned by its quality. Dynex is owesome but it doens't play any movies/mp3. But I think the digital frame is not required to play all those it is meant for viewing pictures. I would rate this 2 star as far as picture quality is concerned. It really turned off my exictement. ASTAR should have concentrated on the quality of screen when you have the pictures in widescreen it gets streched a bit and looks bit ugly.

    วันเสาร์ที่ 26 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

    Spectra Digital Photo Frame Keychain

    Spectra Digital Photo Frame Keychain (Pink)
    Spectra Digital Photo Frame Keychain (Pink)

  • 1.5" Full Color LCD Display, 2MB Built-in Flash Memory, Stores More Than 50 Photos
  • This one is PINK in color
  • Auto Power Off Function and Two AAA Batteries (Included). Fits any pocket or purse. Measures 2"(W) x 3.1"(H) x 0.8"(D)
  • Fully Supports Jpeg or Bitmap Formats, Clock with Built-In Alarm, Calendar, Shopping List and To Do List
  • Exclusive Photoview Software Included Hi-Speed USB 2.0 Digital Transfer Cable Included


    วันศุกร์ที่ 25 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

    Pioneer Bonded Leather BookBound Bi Directional

    Pioneer Sewn Bonded Leather BookBound Bi-Directional Photo Album, Brown Covers, Holds 100 4x6
    Pioneer Sewn Bonded Leather BookBound Bi-Directional Photo Album, Brown Covers, Holds 100 4x6" Photos, 1 Per Page. Read more...

  • Cover: Sewn Bonded leather
  • Holds: 1 photo per page
  • Binding style: Book Bound
  • Capacity: 100 photos


    วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

    Original Profolio Landscape 11x8 5in Horizontal The best photo portfolio for the price

    Itoya The Original Art Profolio Landscape 11x8.5in. Horizontal 24 Sheets 48 Pictures Black
    Itoya The Original Art Profolio Landscape 11x8.5in. Horizontal 24 Sheets 48 Pictures Black Read more...

  • 11x8.500

  • The best photo portfolio for the price I have bought every size of the Itoya Profolio for my photographs. It is the best and most cost effective product I have found. They also make more deluxe versions if you need them.

    วันพุธที่ 23 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

    GrandStream GXV3140 Multimedia Phone 4 3inch Complete Waste

    GrandStream GXV3140 IP Multimedia Phone With 4.3inch LCD
    GrandStream GXV3140 IP Multimedia Phone With 4.3inch LCD

  • 4.3" digital TFT color LCD (480x272 resolution), 1.3M pixel CMOS camera with privacy shutter
  • Intuitive graphic user interface with customizable skins, multi-language, multiple virtual screens
  • G.711 (a/u-law), G.722 (wideband), G.723.1, G.729A/B, GSM-FR, G.726-32 (pending) voice codec and AAC, MP3, WMA, Real, Ogg-Vorbis audio codec
  • SD/MMC/SDHC, USB, stereo headset with microphone, stereo audio output, video output, 2-angle stand, wall mountable
  • Web browser, IM with Yahoo/MSN/Google, RSS feeds of weather/news/stocks, Internet radio, music/video streaming/playing from SD/USB card/Internet, Yahoo Flickr web photo album, alarm clock, calendar, games, music ring tone, etc

  • Wifi Adapter and GXV3140 The wifi adapter is a very useful accessory to not depend on a cable and give more independence to the phone.A good option to consider but would be even better if it could use other brands or adaptors and 3G.The GXV3140 Grandstream IP Multimedia Phone is truly a marvel.It has a simple configuration and good performance.Would have to upgrade and work to improve some applications and telephone utilities is missing not having a manual option to set more templates for menus and other things.While the company would be reviewed and updated versions of the firmware and to include more applications and addons.With this latest product and would highly recommend.
    If you plan to use this for Skype be prepared for possible stress Before everything let me say that I purchased this product mainly because of the Certified for Skype note on the manufacturers web site. Other features seemed impressive as well so I thought it would be a great solution with some added features. Also let me add before I begin that I am an IT guy so I have some technical knowledge.Certified for Skype proved not to be really true. Out of the box my phone came without Skype or even Skype support. Had to find out by reading blogs and support site that I have to upgrade the firmware on the phone in order to be able to use Skype on it. This was not that straightforward and I guess it would be difficult if you don't have technical knowledge.After that Skype started working fine on the phone. But.After several months the phone screen would simply go black after turning the phone on and going to the Skype screen. Tried calling the support and was extremely disappointed. They basically told me to submit the ticket on their web support site. I explained to them that I already did and that it has been a week and nobody has even acknowledged my question.
    Great product but needs some improvements Really like the product and the voice quality.Setting it up to work with a 3CX server was easy and it is working very well.The only downside is that I am not able to create dial plans that accepts the + sign for international calls. This is supported by Cisco but I could not make it work on this device. This is especially bad since the missed call list uses this format.
    Complete Waste This piece of trash is the biggest waste of money I've ever had the displeasure of using. Don't buy this. Stick to using Skype via computer or mobile phone.
    Okay if all you need is SIP and Skype I got this for my mom who refuses to master any kind of electronics. She's happy with picking up the receiver and pressing digits to dial a number and that's it. So this phone is perfect for my use case mom uses it in a way she accepts and understands technology effectively using one of my SIP accounts unbeknownst to her but I can initiate the use of extra features. Say I can call her and chat via video with absolutely no action required on her part.First the good stuff. It works.Video quality differs. Skype is okay H.264 at 512k SIP not so much H.263 even at 1024k sucks compared to skype's video.Speakerphone is probably the best part of the whole experience. It's clear loud with full bass and treble.Camera is actually quite good. What's more it has a mechanical wheel on the back of the phone that adjusts the angle. This combined with twoangle positioning stand gives the phone a lot of flexibility.You could use it as conference room equipment the composite tvout with stereo works just fine and you can assign a hotkey for switching between LCD and a TV.Another thing that 'just works' although setting it up is not easy at all is a screensaver feeding of a flickr account. I just upload pictures to my flickr and they appear on the screen of my mom's phone WITHOUT ANY ACTION from her. Priceless!Now for the 'not so good' stuff.The phone purchased in 2012! came with NO SKYPE support despite the box and the manual. The recommended upgrade route via TFTP via Grandstream servers doesn't work. I had to set up an TFTP server and upgrade via it. Didn't bother with the 'stable' version went for the latest beta instead. Consequently everything positive about this phone is based on the latest beta which is NOT available on their web site I downloaded it off some obscure internet forum. Their support looks like crap.Just forget about anything else but the SIP/Skype functions. The Grandstream engineers must have figured that once they've built a computer inside it's a shame not to load it with all sorts of crappy buzzwords. Too bad it's all unusable.
    Cannot recommend Grandstream. We used several Grandstream voice and video phones for about a year before giving up on them.Grandstream phones are about the lowest cost IP phones available.They will work as a voip phone for dialing and receiving calls.That is about all I can say that is positive about them.If you want to use ALL the latest VoIP and PBX features Grandstream will leave you wanting.The firmware is buggy and features often don't work correctly. And Grandstream support is nonexistant.Our voip provider voiSip.com highly recommended suggested the brand Yealink instead.Roughly the same price but wow what a difference. Everything works perfectly now.Avoid Grandstream.
    Horrible to use I have had this phone for a couple of weeks now and still am struggling to do basic functions. Granted I don't use it constantly but every time I need to do something like an attended transfer it requires the manual and even then it doesn't always go through. Save your money and get a simpler phone.
    Wish it was cordless I had been hoping someone would build this concept a device that looked like a phone but had built in IP phone / skype with video functionality. When GrandStream came out with the GXV 3140 I had mixed emotions. I was so glad that someone had made it but not so thrilled that it was GS. I have used their ATAs in the past and I have had lots of issues with that product.So far this GXV 3140 phone looks pretty stable I did have to hard reboot it a couple of times wished it had a power button so I didn't have to pull the plug from the wall. Even the power input to the device is hard to reach so I decided just to go to the wall outlet.
    Handy and easy   | 2 of 2 people found the following review helpful 1.0 out of 5 stars Buying for Skype? Don't Waste Your Money. I use Skype on a daily basis to communicate with colleagues and clients. This phone isn't ready for Skype. Although the product is sold on the Skype website I had to manually update the phone's firmware to get the Skype application. The call quality is terrible and it drops calls often. I have yet to make a solid Skype call from the GXV3140.Until GS figures out how to handle the Skype application better it's far more effective to use the actual Skype program on your computer.

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    • Grandstream GXV3175 IP Multimedia Phone 7" touch screen Do More Do it better have fun doing it. GXV3175 Current status 13th January 2011 Firmware versions Boot1.0.0.7 Core Base DSP Prog GUIA GUIB Recovery Supplement Navigation feels good. ...Read the full

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    • GrandStream GXP1450 HD Entry Level IP Phone Cannot recommend Grandstream. We used this and several other Grandstream voice and video phones for about a year before giving up on them.Grandstream phones are about the lowest cost IP phones available.They will work as a basic voip phone for dialing and receiving ...Read the full

    วันอังคารที่ 22 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

    Pioneer Pocket Fabric Frame Photo "UNHAPPY"

    Pioneer 200 Pocket Fabric Frame Cover Photo Album, Sky Blue
    Pioneer 200 Pocket Fabric Frame Cover Photo Album, Sky Blue Read more...

  • Fabric sewn cover
  • Frame front design
  • Holds 200 4-inch by 6-inch photos
  • Archival, photo safe-acid, lignin and PVC free
  • Two photos per page

  • photo album We were looking for a photo album all over and I guess they have become a thing of the past.We were able to get just what we needed thanks to Amazon. It is perfect and at a great price.
    Good quality photo ablum I purchased this and the green 5x7 photo album too. They are of very good quality and I love the colors.
    Nice photo album This is a very nice photo album.The cover is beautiful and looks strong enough.The inside is ok. I was hoping it would have a clean modern look inside like the outside cover but it's more like a simple standard photo album.
    Great Album This is a quality photo album for a great price. The color is nice the material is durable. I've bought 3 of these in different colors and like each one.
    Good for a basic album I purchased 3 of these for my mom to start storing her photos better. They are simple ok quality and colorful. They hold the 200 photos that they claim. The books are a good size not heavy or bulky.
    Misleading and Defective This album is listed as 9x9 cloth photo album and the description is different than the 200 photo Pioneer album. I bought this specific one for the differences listed especially that this one is supposed to one picture per page not 2. However when my album arrived it was 2 pictures per page.I was going to just deal with that but then it turns out my album is also defective.Each page has a clear plastic sheet that you lift up and stick the pictures under like most photo albums. Each page has a tiny arrow that says side load with an arrow pointing the other way which I could not figure out. There is no other place to put the pictures in. BUT when you peel up the plastic to put your pictures under the paper underneath what you place the photos upon sticks to the plastic and rips off rendering the plastic unsticky and your new photo album just a collection of pages that WILL NOT HOLD IN YOUR PHOTOS because the plastic is no longer adhesive.
    Nice photo album I was looking for an inexpensive gift for a friend. I found a cheap deal online for printing photos and then purchased this album it holds up to 200 photos and the photos were easy to insert into the pages and there is space for you to write comments too.
    Beautiful Album I bought this for pictures of my mom's 90th birthday party. The album is much prettier than the picture. The red is striking and since it's her favorite color she loves it. There is room to write a note by each picture and the 4x6 photo's fit easily.
    nice album This album is nice for the price. You can put text on each page or not looks good both ways. Pics easy to move from one page to another.

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    วันจันทร์ที่ 21 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

    Sungale TD350A 3 5 Inch Digital Photo A neat way to show your grandchildren's pictures

    Sungale TD350A 3.5-Inch Digital Photo Album (Green)
    Sungale TD350A 3.5-Inch Digital Photo Album (Green)

  • Slim design Fits in a pocket
  • Hi Definition Digital Screen
  • SD, MMC,MS cards
  • Lithium recharg batt
  • 1Gig Memory

  • A neat way to show your grandchildren's pictures I am amazed at the clarity of the photos on the Sungale compared to other portable digital photo albums. I have only used it for photographsI loaded grandchildren photos as a present for their grandfather. This is a very limited use of something which I realize can do so much more. It's worth the extra money.

    วันอาทิตย์ที่ 20 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

    Hawaii Photo Album Island Chain

    Hawaii Photo Album 120 View Island Chain
    Hawaii Photo Album 120 View Island Chain

  • Hawaiian Home Accessories add a beautiful and warm tropical touch to your home or office!


    วันเสาร์ที่ 19 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

    Digital Photo Frame Picture Keychain do not spend time and money

    Digital Photo Frame 1.5
    Digital Photo Frame 1.5" LCD Picture Album Keychain - White Read more...

  • It can store about 72 pictures;
  • Auto / manual picture slide show, slide time adjustable.
  • 1.5 LCD Digital Photo Picture Frame w keychain 8MB
  • Dimension: 5.5x4.1x1.2cm
  • 1.5 inch 128x128 LCD display;

  • do not spend time and money software very pooooor keychain dosn't want to connect to pc xp choosing update mode it sucks. buy it only if you think you r lucky bcause it's like buying a lottery ticket so good luck.

    วันศุกร์ที่ 18 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

    Verbatim 94587 Digital 50 Disc Spindle Sometimes Brand Name Does Make a Difference

    Verbatim 94587 700 MB 52X Digital Vinyl CD-R, 50-Disc Spindle
    Verbatim 94587 700 MB 52X Digital Vinyl CD-R, 50-Disc Spindle Read more...

  • Digital Vinyl Spindle

  • Sometimes Brand Name Does Make a Difference Switching to Verbatim blank disks cured my problem of skips and stutters in music files I had converted to CD making them totally unusable. Now my offloads work every time and I can get my hard drive under control.
    Great for a Newer Style Juke Box! I have a newer replica of an old style Rockola Bubbler Juke Box and these Digital Vinyl CD's are perfect for making the music discs look like real 45's. The whole machine looks the same on the outsidebut the inner workings are all electronically updated with a fancy Phillips CD Changer.making my options unlimited music wise and the music sound have excellent qualitynot hissy or scratched like most old 45 records are nowdays.
    Love the look of these Cds! I bought these Cds to use as our wedding favors. We are making cds with some music from our wedding and designed these to look like old 45's. There is a website surething.com that sells the white core labels as well as provide a downloadable software to design them.
    Vinyl CD These blank CD's are so cool.'cause they look like the old vinyl records. They make great party favors by burning music to them and giving them away at the party.
    Perfect Gift I got this for my dad for his birthday. He has a blues band on the side and these are perfect for his demos. They even have little ridges on them like real records. He loves them so much he doesn't want to record on them! Lol.
    Verbatim Digital Vinyl CDR Fun version of the CDR format simulating the looks of a 1960's 45 rpm single recording. Nearly 70 of these
    Verbatim Vinyl CDR The CDR more than more than met my expectations.Shipment was with in a few days.I would recommend this vendor for future purchase.
    Vinyl CD Ordered 5 packs of the Vinyl CDs. They arrived in 4 different delivery's all of which had a couple of damaged/broken cds because the spindles had split open. Total of 9 damaged or broken cds. Not too bad out of a total of 250! A little bit more care in the packing would have helped. However the cds themselves are great.
    CDs that look like LPs That's it. They are way more fun than plain CDRs and most people I've shown them to get quite a kick out of them.
    Old School Vinyl CD's

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