So beautiful yet so ugly A Kid's Review I ordered this as a gift. My plan was to load up an album on an SD card and give it to my motherinlaw who travels often on business and then send her new SD cards every few months to update her photo album as her grandchildren grew. If not for its fatal ugliness this unit would have been a beautiful gift. After a few frustrating days I returned it.The beautiful It is the sort of design I almost expected to find an Apple logo hidden somewhere. It's sleek and compact with a screen big enough to show the pictures yet small enough to fit in a purse. The 600x800 resolution is perfect for the size so the display looks really good.The bad It had lots of problems displaying my pictures. The documentation was small and trivial although it might have been valuable if I didn't already know how to plug in a wall transformer. Online help? Hah! Clearly I was on my own. My pictures were a mixture of digital snapshots edited digital snapshots and a few scanned photos. Some photos of each type displayed well while others showed up with badly distorted colors and patterns. I've seen these types of problems before when a large image is crudely downsampled for display. Not to worry I'll just edit them all and resize to 600x800 right? Wrong. Half the edited photosall written in the same format from the same software at the right resolution won't display. The picture frame doesn't even show they exist.I tried downloading the pictures directly via USB as well as using the SC card. No luck. The more I tried to adapt to whatever this thing's problem is the worse it got.My conclusion A beautiful design so poorly executed as to make it worthless.
not what it seemed this product says it works with a mac but not really. the product did not come with mac softwear. after trying to find the real manufacture and not getting even a response from them i found the american distributor. they sent a link for the softwear. when we finally got the drivers downloaded it took one picture an hour to up load. after several emails back and forth it was shared that they did not support mac technology. a refund was suggested.oh and gd forbid that amazon support the produts they sell.
3.5 Digital Photo Frame I purchased two 3.5 digital photo frames. What a great present I thought. They arrived quickly but to my dismay they both would not hold a charge.I emailed the company and within 10 days 2 new digital photo frames arrived.They have proved to be much better but like the first two they do not hold a charge.
Don't Bother with this paritcular product from QE!!!! I had ordered this for my wife for Xmas received ontime no problem. Getting it to work was another story. Loaded the software that came with it got a few picture loaded. Had trouble from the begining to get it to turn on. Displayed a few pics for awhile then it went dead. Do not purchase this brand online. I went to Brookstone's after Xmas and they had there version and model on sale for $69.99. It works like a champ no problems and my wife loves it.
QElectronics digital photo frame Picture quality quite good for this item. Recharging a problem if you do not have access to a computer as there is no recommended mains adapter. I see the lack of a mains charger as a big draw back.
Good album good size. This album was not working right when I got it one email to the Handstands company and I had a new one. It works great very easy and no extrasto slow down the process of adding photos.
Great Product This was easy to use and I did have a problem and thru trial and error found out you can not have more than 8 characters for a folder name. It would be nice if the product would allow you have more than 8 folders. It would also be nice to be able to view all files in the folder.YOU do NOT need an external chip this device converts to a small size jpg and I have over 1600 photos in it and still have over half memory left. Problem is scanning thru all the photos to get to the ones you want. Would be nice to have like a Windows Explorer feature where you see small little thumbnails or something. Other than that GREAT photo quality easy to use and is a Super Product.
DO NOT BUY THIS PHOTO VIEWER!! I can't begin to explain how disappointed I am about this photo viewer. I am going to meet with my nephew who I haven't seen in 25 years. Long story but I had wanted to buy a photo viewer put family photos on it and then give him the viewer to keep. Well this thing wouldn't recognize most of the photos I wanted to copy onto it. And yes I followed the directions. Unfortunately the directions suck. This is a VERY VERY low tech item. The buttons are cheap looking. It would have been perfect to have shared with my nephew while we are having breakfast together which is the ONLY time I will be with him. Now I have to return this worthless thing and I don't have time to buy something else.
Useful for carrying pictures around My wife likes having this in her purse rather than trying to carry a stack of pictures to show others. The software is not as userfriendly as I would like it took some time to figure it out.
Easy to use and very simple I bought 2 for my Mom and Dad and was worried that they would not understand how to take pictures off their computer and put them into Digital Photo Album Frame. But that was not the case after loading the software to their computer it was very easy for them to find the their pictures and drag the over to the Digital Photo Album Frame. However one Digital Photo Album was not working right out of the box and needed to be exchanged.
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