Nice try! This product failed after a couple weeks. The motion sensor and battery are a good idea but they both failed to work after a couple weeks. The company has been very quick to respond the problems but now I have to go through the return process.
Upscale photo frame with both major selling points flawed FEATURESThis is a photo frame that compares favorably to most others it has touch controls that light up on the side of the screen it has 2GB internal memory and a battery it plays video with stereo sound it senses orientation like a smartphone and it even comes with a small remote. Pretty sweet for an unsubsidized picture frame at this price!It also has a motion sensor and a SD card slot but more on these below.
Pretty good but has some issues The NIX 8 photo frame is nice to look at both the frame and the display and the battery and remote control make it much better than some others but there are several issues as well. That being said I still think it was a worthwhile purchase.First issue JPEG EXIF headers contain an image rotation instruction for example when the camera was held in portait format which the picture frame always applies before showing the image. Some cameras do not fill in this EXIF field but nowadays most do. Still the rotation info is not always correct. For example if the image was rotated in ACDsee classic then the JPEG image was rotated but the EXIF field was not updated to reflect this. So the picture frame might rotate an image again which you have already rotated in ACDsee.
Fine with me. Got it to replace different mfg model that quit on me. So far so good. Nice picture and steady slide show works well. Noticed that when you rotate a picture it comes back up the way it was before you changed it. Thought it may change it for good but no. I thought fairly priced to do what I want it to do.
Hard not to like this frame Before purchasing this frame I read all the reviews and concluded that this was the best frame for the money and I am not disappointed. There are a couple of things worth noting however.Some reviews said that the frame was difficult to view the picture if you are not directly in front of the screen. I found that this was not the case at all. Others said that the picture quality was not good and again I found this not to be the case. Still other reviews complained that the remote was hard to read because most of the buttons are gray with black lettering. I found this to be absolutely true. Even with my reading glasses I need a magnifying glass to view what is written on the gray and black buttons. Fortunately the buttons I would use most are the stop and resume buttons and these are marked with white letters.Something else worth noting is the memory stick card reader.
Microsignage application I was looking for something I could stick in company elevators during big events. Actually getting power and cabling into the elevator would be very expensive and difficult organizationally but the battery and Humotion feature made use possible on the cheap. You just design an 8.34 x 6.25 PPT file import photos enter captions etc. then File Save As JPEG and rename JPG files 1001.jpg 1002.jpg etc in the order you want them played. Don't use an audio track elevator riders get irriated. Be prepared to change the battery every three hours during your events they'll sell you spares for $10 each. We'll use velcro for mounting.BTW my first display died after I tried to use an external battery the system seems very fussy about its power source. Tech support chat was wonderful.
Nice frame! I bought three different 8 frames
It is worth every penny It works well and with lot of options i love this frame. I am not able to find any major cons as of now.
Not for the tech naive. I am a gadget freak and a former computer engineer. The Nix is not for tech naive folks. I bought this frame for my mother in law for christmas. In preparation I took my entire photo library and used IrfanView to quickly convert all my high resolution dSLR photos on my computer to 800x600 resolution. Much to my pleasure many many gigs of photos were compressed into several hundreds of megs and easily fit into the Nix internal memory so I didn't even need to buy an external memory card.I transferred them into the Nix in about half an hour and was disappointed in a few things1 When it turns on you see the Nix splash screen first and then an opening photo so there was a wake up time.2 The opening photo was invariably the same each time.3 I had absolutely no choice in which photo that was.I tried to pick a photo I wanted first and renamed it to try to get it to the front i.e. putting an a or a 0 in front of the file name. This did not fix it. I completely deleted the pictures went to Irfanview renamed all my photos into numbers i.e. 000001.jpg 000006.jpg 000011.jpg etc.. and made sure that the one I wanted to appear first was copied onto the device first. The opening photo did change but it was seemingly random which one was there. But that picture was okay so I left it alone.My mother in law wanted to see the pictures by theme i.e. in their original folder. It is not acceptable to ask my mother in law to go to the menu select file pick the folder click on it wait a minute or so for the files to pop up then select the first file just to see her daughter's wedding day. There is absolutely no way she will be using this function. She does not like the way it just randomly jumps from one folder to another by default random mode. But unfortunately that is the only reasonable way to set it up because if you play by sequence it starts from the beginning every time.And even if she did manage to switch to a specific folder it would be in random mode and those pictures would display randomly. There was no quick and simple single button push to turn it into a sequential slideshow.When I saw a picture that wasn't too desirable I could not easily find a way to delete or even rotate that photo permanently. There probably is a way but it isn't obvious or perhaps you'd have to attach it to your computer and fix it that way.The chord is also somewhat short was not able to snake it around the back of her desk to the electric socket on her left wall had to use a surge protector. Fortunately there was a TV there that needed the surge protector anyway.
Videos do NOT show up on the frame This product will be going back because I can not get it to recognize the videos I've placed on an SD card. The problem I thought stemmed from using a Mac and trying to save iMovie9 videos on to the SD card in mpeg or mpeg4 format that is another bag of **** iMovie9 doesn't make an export into mpeg4 format option. I did a lot of work a rounds to try to save videos in various forms mp4 mpeg4 m4v and even avi the avi were simply untouched videos that I took on a DSLR not one of the videos was properly recognized on the picture frame each one of the files indicated not supported on the frame screen. The only reason I bought it was because of claims that it will easily play videos. No such luck.Other complaints the SD card slot and the instructions do NOT indicate what orientation to place the SD card in the slot Grandma at the nursing home will inevitably jam the card in the wrong way.
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