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astar 7 digital photo frame I gave this 4 stars because it doesn't have an internal memory and has to be plugged in. I'm being picky the people I bought for won't care about this feature. This frame is great. I bought 3 of them for gifts. I took one out to see make sure it works and I can help the people I bought them for. It's very easy.I took it out plugged it in put in a memory card had pics on the card already and hit slide show. That's it! I think the picture is great.My only regret is not getting one for myself.
Dead and smoking! Not the best quality pix. But it worked well for a few monthsand it was a great conversation piece when quests came until it died. I restarted it once with the remote but got an even poorer quality with lines across the screen. Next time I tried it using the onframe buttons it not only did not work but smoke poured out of two places on the back. It's value as a conversation piece would have skyrocketed if it had set the house on fire.
Died After 6 Months The product worked ok until 6 months later when it suddenly burnt out & quite working. I guess you get what you pay for.
astar 7 photo frame Pros Nice features movie playback mp3 slideshow and photos. For the price it seems a great value. This is my first photo frame and I expected TVlike picture quality. Cons I'd have to rate the picture quality only average w/limited control of brightness contract and color. No internal memory or battery.
Terrible product and terrible supprt I bought this product less than one year ago. It worked for a few months and then stopped. After numerous emails and phone calls they finally replaced it and it worked for a few more months. This time when I went to the manufacturer's website it was down and there is no one to contact about a replacement.
burned out the digital frame was given to us as a gift which is a great idea! installation was a breeze its pretty simple despite the engrish manual.
Astar Digital Picture Frame The directions are garbled and it isn't the easiest to set up. There is no internal memory and you have to load up the memory cards not included with some other device you can't hook up it's USB connection and load it up. The USB is actually a host port which is odd. Low resolution and difficult operation make me wish I'd bought something else.
You'll be pleased for awhile.. Got this Black Friday 07 and for what was paid I couldn't complain. Descent pics simple set up even put a movie on there once just to see the performance. But alas just a little over a year later the frame went black!! Messed with it a little bit and finally threw it in a drawer. I recently discovered it again and tried plugging it in.And low and behold it works.For just a couple minutes at a time that is!! When I do get it to work I notice that the image quality has degraded as othershave stated and there is a crackling/buzzing sound heard every once and awhile. A quick search of the web and I've also found what others have found absolutely no contact info for Astar what so ever.
picture quality not good I bought this frame for myself. When I first opened it I felt very happy with the picture quality but that was short lived. My friend got a Dynex 7 inch from Best buy on the same day and belive me when he played it I was stunned by its quality. Dynex is owesome but it doens't play any movies/mp3. But I think the digital frame is not required to play all those it is meant for viewing pictures. I would rate this 2 star as far as picture quality is concerned. It really turned off my exictement. ASTAR should have concentrated on the quality of screen when you have the pictures in widescreen it gets streched a bit and looks bit ugly.Edit your post I bought this frame for myself. When I first opened it I felt very happy with the picture quality but that was short lived. My friend got a Dynex 7 inch from Best buy on the same day and belive me when he played it I was stunned by its quality. Dynex is owesome but it doens't play any movies/mp3. But I think the digital frame is not required to play all those it is meant for viewing pictures. I would rate this 2 star as far as picture quality is concerned. It really turned off my exictement. ASTAR should have concentrated on the quality of screen when you have the pictures in widescreen it gets streched a bit and looks bit ugly.