Careful with this productIT'S ADDICTING!!!!!!!! It's so much easier to use than Adoby Photo Shop and way more affordable. I purchased this product three times and have most of the editions.
Hated it too! I sure wish I had read these comments before I purchased this program. I had been using Kodak's Easyshare program that I had from several years ago. Now that Kodak is selling I needed another program. This one seemed to have the basics which was really all that I needed. I don't do major enhancing or corrections on my photos and sell them with that truth being told. Still old school for me! Anyway found this at a big box store and bought it on a whim.
Can't live without! I absolutely love this software! I have 2 kids and take alot of pictures and I love that I can fix the pictures if I need to crop them resize them and everything I want to do to them.
HORRIBLE programdon't waste your money I've never had so many problems with any software program. From the first time I ran it Photo Explosion has given me almost endless error messages and because I thought this was due to an incompatibility with Microsoft Vista I downgraded my operation system to XP with absolutely no relief from the problems. Any time I so much as open Photo Explosion I get the message Ulead Photo Express has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.I sent several messages to tech support via email and their solutions always consist of uninstalling and reinstalling the program as well as checking for updates. I've done all of the above several times and I'm still unable to use the program I spent $50.00 on. Please save your money for a more worthwhile product.
One of the few good ones for Vista Yes it works with Vista! This program has been a long time favorite with XP and I was devestated when Photo Explosion Delux would not work on my new computer. But 3.0 does! If you are searching for a great photo editor be sure you do NOT get the 2.0 it will not work on Vista I recently got taken on ebay the photo was 3.0 and program was 2.0.
Poor Product Shipped quickly and was reasonably priced but the product itself was not what I thought it was going to be. It did not do nearly as much as I was hopping for. I would not make this purchase again.
Avoid this program at all costs I bought this program to make a simple slide show for a family party. I'm very computer literate but even with tech supports help I have been unable to install this program or its Vista update on my computer. Tech support suggests uninstalkling reinstalling etcbut symptoms continue. I sure wish I had read the reviews here before buying it! Don't waste your money I'm going to try to get a refund from Nova.
Love Love Love I was a little hesitant in purchasing this software. I had 2.0 and it worked fine no problems even worked on my Vista computer. I wanted to upgrade though and was really nervous but I ended up only paying about $25 here on amazon so I figured if it didnt work then oh well. Well it works great installation was not an issue and program works fine when running. I included a few pics that I edited above in the image gallery. The sunglass one the baby feet the three kids by the pool and the bubble one are mine.***I just uploaded two more pics that I did they are the two christmas cards. This software has endless possiblities I love it.
What a great program. I received this software as a gift. I asked for it after looking for several months at all sorts of photo editing software. I am particularly impressed that it came with a manual. Something I definitely need as my computer savvy is rather poor.Photo Explosion Deluxe Version 3 has all the features of more expensive programs as far as I can tell. I can not imagine that there is anything on a nonprofessional level that is better.
Love it! This program is reasonably priced and highly useful. A lot of people are saying that this program is difficult to use and ineffective. I've been using this program since I've bought it and it's worked fine. Also the only time I haven't been able to figure out how to work the program the help page cleared up the issue. It isn't really that hard to figure out.
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